Elbi is founded
The manufacturing facilities are simple, but the quality products are in high demand on the appliance market.
Starting with washing machine components and striving hard to penetrate other sectors. 60 employees.

Elbi logo

Push Button Switches

Girmi Switches

Rotary Switches

Pole Switch
New Elbi plant
The new Elbi factory in Collegno is opened.
New production departments are created: rubber, surface treatment and a toolshop.
The research and development organization grows.
Elbi becomes the creative think-tank for the future development of the Bitron Group. 245 employees.

New Elbi Factory

Elbi Design Department

Elbi Machining Department

Solenoid Valves Production Line

Solenoid Valve
Elbi Barcelona (Spain)
International growth allows Elbi to branch out beyond Italy and the first foreign plant is opened in Barcelona, Spain, to produce solenoid valves and pressure switches for the Spanish appliance market. 295 employees in the Group.

Elbi Sa Barcelona (Spain)

Pressure Switches Calibration

Pressure Switches Catalogue Sheet

Solenoid Valve and Pressure Switches

2 Level Pressure Switch Drawing