The history of an industrial adventure.
The founders
From the countryside near Cuneo to the outskirts of the city of Turin, three young men begin an industrial adventure in vibrant postwar Italy.

Enrico Bianco (1929 - 1997)
26 anni al momento della fondazione della "Fratelli Bianco".

Giovanni Bianco (1936 - 2019)
19 anni al momento della fondazione della "Fratelli Bianco".

Carlo Bianco (1940 - 2010)
15 anni al momento della fondazione della "Fratelli Bianco".
The handcrafted origins
On 1st August 1955, three brothers, Enrico, Giovanni and Carlo Bianco, start their first business “Fratelli Bianco" in Piazza Fontanesi 10, Borgo Vanchiglia, Turin. It all began with the rewinding of electric motors and transformers. A year later, they move to new premises in Strada della Pronda 135/17, Torino and Elbi (Elettromeccanica Bianco) is founded here.