New membership: RES4Africa Foundation
Bitron s.p.a is proud to be a new member of RES4Africa Foundation, paving the road for joint initiatives and collaboration. The agreement was signed on the 4th of November, identifying training and capacity building, advocacy and knowledge sharing as the main fields of cooperation.
Bitron, with its strong experience in the smart-meter industry, will support RES4Africa in promoting energy management systems and low-cost digital solutions through the whole African continent, sharing know-how in electronic devices for the energy distribution, monitoring and grid resilience thanks to its R&D team and its technical skills, available for taking part to training and conferences.
"Bitron S.p.A mission and vision is strongly aligned with the one pursued by our Foundation. They lead their business in a sustainable and innovative way while adopting initiatives that combine economic growth with social development.", stated Roberto Vigotti, RES4Africa's Secretary-General " Bitron's expertise and commitment will provide RES4Africa with an added value in pursuing a green energy transition and enabling reliable cooperation between Europe and Africa”.
''In the global increasing attention to sustainability, Bitron shares its skills and proudly joins the Res4Africa Foundation. We believe that, for and with the African continent, a strategy linked to micro-grids and renewable energy can be developed in a so precious territory for the whole planet'', stated Roberto Bellessa Fontana - Bitron Electronics Division General Manager.