Bitron has been awarded by Italgas Reti the design of the new generation hydrogen-ready smart gas meter
Thanks to its strong know-how in smart meter technologies, Bitron S.p.A. has been selected by Italgas Reti S.p.A. to design and prototype a new gas smart meter. The collaboration also includes the production of smart meters with the aim of widespread on-field testing across Italy.
The challenge is to integrate a number of technological innovations, such as a metering sensor capable of very high accuracy and low consumption, fire and earthquake detectors for maximum safety and data communication features. One of the most important innovations is the use of a blend of natural gas and hydrogen.
The focus on low consumption, which allows the meter's life cycle to be extended, meets the principles of sustainability that Bitron places on every internal process and procurement policy, systematically integrating typical Ecodesign concepts within the R&D department.
Bitron is proud to be a strategic partner for Italgas Reti, within this major project for the renewal of the gas distribution grid. Thanks to its long experience in grid digitalization, the new smart gas meter will be a cornerstone in the evolution of Italgas grid, supporting customer awareness on energy consumption and optimizing the gas distribution grid management. This opportunity will allow Bitron to consolidate the wide range of competences offered to its customers.
Bitron Electronics Division is the business unit inside the Bitron Group - an Italian private multinational company with headquarters in Grugliasco, Turin - specialized in the design and manufacturing of electronic systems and devices for the Energy, Automotive, Home appliance industries, and other applications.
With its 4 dedicated electronics manufacturing plants in Italy, Poland, China, México, and its development centres, it offers the entire range of services from EMS to co-design, dedicated product development and complete system design and built to its global customer base.
For over 13 years Bitron Electronics has operated in the Energy industry, one of its main business sectors, developing and manufacturing single and three-phase smart meters, data concentrators and other smart grid digitalization devices for third parties.