Soluzioni per applicazioni a idrogeno in vari settori industriali
Consapevole delle nuove sfide energetiche che interessano il nostro mondo, Bitron è convinta della necessità di utilizzare energie diverse, adatte a ciascun utilizzo, lasciando la possibilità di ricorrere a soluzioni ibride. Infatti, l'idrogeno è un'energia alternativa interessante che risponde a determinate esigenze nei trasporti, nell'industria, nel riscaldamento e nella generazione di energia ausiliaria. Abbiamo quindi sviluppato una prima gamma di elettrovalvole per idrogeno a bassa pressione per celle a combustibile, basandoci sulla nostra lunga esperienza nei solenoidi. Per il raffreddamento dello stack, offriamo anche un attuatore modulare da 2 a 4 vie con diverse portate.

Valori Aggiunti
2/2 ways normally closed Proportional Solenoid Valve. Mobile fuel cell medium pressure flow control valve placed between the hydrogen storage/supply system and the hydrogen. The performance of a fuel cell is determined by the amount of the fuel to cell stack. Patented design to minimize friction maximizing reliability.

Key features:
- Pilot Operated Solenoid Valve in H2 Medium
- Up to 20 bar_A
- Up to 4,0 g/s
- Type of Voltage: DC / PWM
- External Leakage max: 1x10-5 mbar l/s
- Nominal Width: 1,8 mm – 2,6 mm – 3,2 mm
- Ambient Temperature: -40ºC to 95ºC
- Low level of Friction
- Excellent linearity with
- Soft opening proportional
2/2 Ways Normally Closed ON-OFF Valve. Mobile Fuel Cell Low Pressure solenoid Valve placed in the recirculation system or in the water trap. In the fuel cell, water is a result of a hydrogen/oxygen reaction, Its necessary to drain it.

Key features:
- Direct Acting Solenoid Valve H20 / H2 / Steam
- Up to 2,5 bar_A
- Type of Voltage: DC / PWM
- External Leakage max: 1x10-2 mbar l/s
- Nominal Width: 6 mm
- Ambient Temperature: -40ºC to 110 ºC
- Fast Drainage
- Medium fully isolated
- Compact Cartridge interface
2/2 ways normally closed ON-OFF Solenoid Valve. Mobile fuel cell medium pressure shut off valve placed between the hydrogen storage/supply system and the cell stack. Light weight patented design to maximize performances.

Key features:
- Pilot Operated Solenoid Valve in H2 Medium
- Up to 20 bar_A
- Type of Voltage: DC / PWM
- External Leakage max : 1x10-5 mbar l/s
- Nominal Width: 6 mm
- Ambient Temperature: -40ºC to 95ºC
- Low level of Drop pressure
- Low Level of Noise
Multi way valve for proportional regulation of the coolant flow in BEV, PHEV and FCE vehicles.

Key features:
- Size ( inner Spigot–Ø ): 32 mm
- Type of Voltage: DC
- Nominal voltage range: 9-16 and 18,5 – 32 V
- Operating current consumption: < 1 A
- Peak Current consumption: < 1,5 A
- EMC compliance: ECE R10
- Absolute position feedback (via LIN or PWM)
- Smart piloting with: LIN 2.X or PWM
- Weight: < 800 gm
- Working pressure range: 1 - 2,5 bar ( g )
- Burst pressure: 6 bar without damages
- Protection Class: IP6K9
- Internal leakage rate: 1L/h at nominal flow rate
- Nominal flow rate: 160L/min
- Max flow rate: 250L/min
- Switching time: 2-3s for 90º
- Working temp. range: -40ºC up to 100ºC
- Not for 100% ED use
Multi way valve for proportional regulation of the coolant flow in BEV, PHEV and FCE vehicles.

Key features:
- Size ( inner Spigot–Ø ): 15 mm
- Type of Voltage: DC
- Nominal voltage range: 9-16 V and 18,5 – 32 V
- Operating current consumption: 0,5 A
- Peak Current consumption: 1,2 A
- EMC compliance: ECE R10
- Absolute position feedback (via LIN or PWM)
- Smart piloting with: LIN 2.X or PWM
- Weight: 425 gm
- Working pressure range: 1-4 bar ( g )
- Burst pressure: 15 bar without damages
- Protection Class: IP6K9
- Internal leakage rate: 1L/h at nominal flow rate
- Nominal flow rate: 40L/min
- Max flow rate: 80L/min
- Switching time: 2-3s for 90º
- Working temp. range: -40ºC up to 100ºC
- Not for 100% ED use
Multi way valve for proportional regulation of the coolant flow in BEV, PHEV and FCE vehicles.

Key features:
- Size ( inner Spigot–Ø ): 15 mm
- Type of Voltage: DC
- Nominal voltage range: 9-16 V and 18,5 – 32 V
- Operating current consumption: 0,5 A
- Peak Current consumption: 1,2 A
- EMC compliance: ECE R10
- Absolute position feedback (via LIN or PWM)
- Smart piloting with: LIN 2.X or PWM
- Weight: 425 gm
- Working pressure range: 1-4 bar ( g )
- Burst pressure: 15 bar without damages
- Protection Class: IP6K9
- Internal leakage rate: 1L/h at nominal flow rate
- Nominal flow rate: 40L/min
- Max flow rate: 80L/min
- Switching time: 2-3s for 90º
- Working temp. range: -40ºC up to 100ºC
- Not for 100% ED use
Multi way valve for proportional regulation of the coolant flow in BEV, PHEV and FCE vehicles.

Key features:
- Size ( inner Spigot–Ø ): 22 mm
- Type of Voltage: DC
- Nominal voltage range: 9-16 V and 18,5 – 32 V
- Operating current consumption: 0,5 A
- Peak Current consumption: 1,2 A
- EMC compliance: ECE R10
- Absolute position feedback (via LIN or PWM)
- Smart piloting with: LIN 2.X or PWM
- Weight: 500 gm
- Working pressure range: 1-4 bar ( g )
- Burst pressure: 15 bar without damages
- Protection Class: IP6K9
- Internal leakage rate: 1L/h at nominal flow rate
- Nominal flow rate: 80L/min
- Max flow rate: 170L/min
- Switching time: 2-3s for 90º
- Working temp. range: -40ºC up to 100ºC
- Not for 100% ED use